Associate Prof. in Mechanical Engineering
(Industrial Engineering Specialization)
Dr.-Ir. Eshetie Berhan (PhD)

Eshetie Berhan
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering on July 4, 2013
MSC in Industrial Management on September 15, 2005
MSC in Management, Economics & Consumer Studies, on March 10, 2005
BSC in Computer Science on April 15, 2010
BSC in Industrial Engineering on July 14, 20101
BA degree in theology, Jun 2019
MTH Master in Theology, 2021
Addis Abab University
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
Research and Technology Transfer and University-Industry Linkage
King Georg IV Street
P. Box: 385
Zip Code 1000
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Business Official Website:
I have been doing and involved in various researches, projects, trainings and worked in stressed evironment. In all these situatin, thanks to God, I have got scuessfull results.
"When I do good I feel good, When I do bad I feel bad, that is my religion"
Abraham Licoln
I'm currently working as Director of Research, Technolgoy Transfer and University Industry Linkage, in Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology