Associate Prof. in Mechanical Engineering
(Industrial Engineering Specialization)
Dr.-Ir. Eshetie Berhan (PhD)
Associate. Prof. Eshetie Berhan (Dr.-Ir.)
Address: Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
King George IV Street
P. O. Box: 385
Zip Code: 1000
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Personal Information
Gender: Male
Status: Married
Birth Date: 29-03-1974
Nationality: Ethiopian
Educational Backgrounds
Addis Ababa University
PhD Degree: From October, 2010 to July 4, 2013, in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering Specialization, in the School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
BSC degree on February 19, 2010 in the faculty of Informatics Computer Science in Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Wageningen University
MSC degree on March 10, 2005 in Advanced Master Degree in Management, Economics and Consumer studies, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
KU Leuven University
MSC degree on September 15, 2005 in Advanced Master in Industrial Management, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Belgium
Mekelle University
BSC degree on July 14, 2001 in the Faculty of Sceince and Tchnology, Department of Industrial Engineering, in Industrial Engineering with distinction, at Mekelle University, Mekkelle, Ethiopia.
Work Experiences
Senior Lecturer
2010 - present
I am working as full time academic staff in the school of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Addis Ababa Institutet of Technology (AAiT), Addis Ababa university, Ethiopia.
Director of Research
2013 - present
I am working as Director of Research Technology Transfer and University Industry Linkage in Addis Ababa Institutet of Technology (AAiT) , Addis Ababa university (AAU), EThiopia. I am responsible to organize and facilitate the research, technology transfer as well as project activities undertaken in AAiT. Currently I am also working as a project planner for the Yayu Urea Coal Phosphate fertilizer project.
Full time Instructor
November 2005 – November 2010
I worked as a full time instructor in City University College (Formerly called ZBC); and accomplish the following major activities. Offered more than 10 various courses, advised more than 25 final year projects. I was also worked as a member of the academic commision represting the staff.
Par-time Instructor
November 2005 – November 2010
I worked as par-time Instructors in Faculty of Business and Economics in Addis Ababa Unviersity, CPU College, Africa Beza College and others private colleges and offered various courses.
Department Head
From June 2001 - September 2003
I worked as assistant lecturer in Bahir Dar University, Technology faculty, Industrial Engineering Department. During the time, I was heading the department for one and half years. During this time I was preparing the annual budget, organizing monthly, quarterly, semiannually and annual report to the faculty dean, preparing a curriculum of the department and organizing national workshop for its approval. Preparing teaching and lab manuals. Offering different engineering courses such as: technical and engineering drawing, operations research, machine design, system analysis and design, Engineering economics, Project Management and conducting group researches.
From June 2000 up to Sept 2000
I worked in Nazareth Tractor Assembly Plant (NTPA) as internship for a solid three years. I have conducted the inventory management practice that NTPA had during that time and bring an improvment in cost, quality and responsiveness of the factory.
Amharic Mother toungue
English fluent
Tigrigna Beginner
Visual Basic
SQL server
All MS-office applications
Auto Cad
PC-Hardware maintenance and Upgrading
Video and Photo Editing
Professional Industrial Engineer
Professional Mechanical Engineer
Project Management Consultant
Quality Management System Consultant in ISO 9001:2000
Certified System Engineer
Conducted various industrial feasibility studies
Project Planner and Controller for Yayo Urea Fertilizer project
Published two Books
Published more than 10 scientific Articles and Proceedings
2010 - present
2010 - present